Saw Concorde on a visit to Brooklands Museum at the weekend then found this nice documentary. Hairs on the back of your neck remains to be an understatement.
New Pylons for the UK? This was the winner and below are a few of the runners up, have a look.
I hope it doesn't happen, the original 1920's pylon is a piece of classic British modernist design and is so familiar that you hardly notice them. Like the Motorway signage we developed it's function, with the perfect balance of form. Leave them as they are.
This image is from a fellow Blogger who I couldn't find a contact for - see his bloghere.
[More stamp love] Look at it this way, for £13.80 you can buy 30 limited edition prints. The Olympics provide a regular round of sport related Graphics and this collection is looking pretty nice now it's complete.
Blackpool has a new carpet, a comedy one. Full of phrases and quotes from comedy greats and it pretty much looks like a massive letter press project, nice.
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